Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Jeram Besu is definitely a must for those raring for adventure & thrills. It is just 30km from town Raub, Pahang. Jeram Besu is one of the best white-water rafting sites. But those who want to experience other adventure activities, you can try for flying fox, off-road adventures, abseiling, caving & jungle trekking.

So, how to get there????

1) Daily Bus Service from KL-Raub

a) Pahang South Union Omnibus

b) Mara Liner Express

c) Transnasional Express

2) Daily Bus Service from KL-Benta Town

a) Pahang Lin Leong Bus Company

Let’s take a look on our extreme activities there!!!!

02 Oct 2009

We are so excited to challenge ourselves at Jeram Besu. We departed around 3p.m and arrived at 7p.m. At Jeram Besu, we stayed at Countryview Recreational Park. So peaceful and calm!! That’s our first impression about this place. As we arrived at Countryview Recreational Park, the owners give a briefing to us. He welcomed us very well. He is so nice and very kind person. That’s make we felt so comfortable to stay there.

As usual, when have so long journey, we got hungry. So, at 8p.m we have our dinner there. Their foods are not bad. Actually, we have Night Jungle Walk after have a meal. But we are unlucky because there is heavy rain outside. So, it is bit dangerous for us to trek. So, what we can do is going back to room and sleep. =(

03 Oct 2009

Weather is good today. We hope that we can do all activities as our planning before. At 8a.m we have a breakfast. After taking the breakfast, we continue our program which is jungle trekking at Hutan Lipur Lata Jarum. Hmmm, this is the time that our waiting for as we love adventure and thrill activity so much. :-). We went that jungle to do jungle trekking activity by bus as it is quite far from our dorm.

Now, we are ready to make a step to hike the jungle. But before that, we have do some stretching techniques so that we do not feel struggle on our muscle when doing our activities. After that then we can only continue our journey. We are excited when the guide said we can see the rafflesia flower during this jungle trekking. Unluckily, those flowers are not bloom yet. So we just see those flowers that are still in their nest.

After have like one hour and a half jungle trekking, we have arrive at Hutan Lipur Lata Jarum waterfall. Here, we are given our lunch packs and after that we are enjoy ourselves by having fun at this water fall. We just have one hour to enjoy but it is enough to make us satisfied.

After one hour at Lata Jarum water fall, we are ready to ride the bus to go back to our dorm. It is time to leaving. We just have our memories left in the jungle and back to dorm with the exciting feeling wait what is coming next. We are arrive at the resort at the late evening, so we just relax to release our body before go for dinner.

At night, we are supposed to do Campfire with BBQ. But then, we are still unlucky because there is still rain outside there.=( So, what we can do is just doing activity inside the resort. Nothing much we can do. But, the most important part is we have our karaoke session at that night. It is better than we just sleep at our dorm!!! This is moment that we have an opportunity to hear the powerful voices of our friends. That is enough for 3 hours karaoke, and then we go to sleep.

04 Oct 2009

As usual we take some breakfast in the morning before proceed our adventure activity. At that day, we go to Gua Kecil for caving activity. We have explored the cave accompany by the guides provided by Countryview Recreational Park. We got such an amazing experience there because we have to crawl at the cave. After 2 hours, we are getting ready to going back to resort. We have an experience to ride a 4WD to going back.

As we arrived at the resort, we need to pack all our things. We have our last lunch there and after that there will be photo session with the owner’s Countryview Recreation Park. Now, it is time for leaving with full of memorable moment that we bring it back!!!!