Sunday, April 4, 2010


What across in your mind when you see these 2 pictures? Yes, that’s nature!! So, what do you think where we snap these pictures? Well, these pictures were located at Kepong, 16km northwest of Kuala Lumpur. Its offers 1,528 hectare forest ecosystems, gardens, arboreta and wetlands with various trails scattered all around the institute.

Now, we guess that you know where this place is located. Yes, that’s right! This is FRIM, Forest Research Institute Malaysia.

What you can do there???? Let’s look our 1 day trip to FRIM

13 March 2010, 6.30 a.m.

The weather today is very pleasant, the wind light and variable, in a moment we all will be heading off to FRIM Kepong. We feel very excited and can’t wait to get there. We should depart at 6.30 a.m. but because of the bus that will take us there, had some technical problems so we had to wait almost 1 hour. At 7.20 a.m., we left there. We take our breakfast in the bus.

8.30 a.m.

When we arrived there, the guide gives a briefing to us. We were divided into 2 groups to facilitate the guide give the information while jungle trekking. Before that, one of us led the stretching activity. Then, we continued our journey…..we through the forest for 4 hours and we get a lot of information. Before we forget, there is a Kolam Ikan Terbesar there. FRIM management placed 3 Arapaima. We are very excited to take pictures of the fish.

9.30 a.m.

The guide explains so many things, she make us feel more excited!! But, the things can’t be forget is the ‘pokok kapur’. Incredibly beautiful!! We didn’t believe there is a tree like this. Then, she shows us the tongkat ali trees, rubber trees, dtera costulata, the grave wood and so many. Too many trees so we can’t remember it all…=))

10.30 a.m.

2 hours trekking, each has shown a very lifeless face. Yes, so tired!! Some have left behind, some are pale like to be unconscious, but we are still excited. This track really takes a long time because we want to experience the canopy walkway. We will go through the canopy walkway trail.

Suddenly there is someone shouting, we were all surprised ... Look, there seems leech in the shoes!! What else, all the girls participants had screaming see the leech. We all laughed.. :-)

11.30 a.m.

Yehaa! Finally we reached at the canopy walkway point. Rest first and then prepared for the high ground…this is an activity that we are really like, very challenging!!

All the participants are taking pictures. The view is very beautiful and fresh air. Unforgettable memories, yuhuuu!!!

12.30 a.m.

We arrived at the waterfalls, but very disappointed, we can not have fun there. Very small waterfall, a lot of stones, and gently flowing water ... Does not seem like a waterfall. So sad…:-(…we arrived in front of the office at 12:45 p.m. and take a lunch of chicken rice. Erm very tasty ... yummy!! We are so hungry and tired…

1.15 p.m

Our lecturer come and gives a brief description of our project paper. Then, we have to find all the materials needed in 2 hours. So, all participants began to carry out the assigned tasks. As usual, there will be a photo session with our lecturer…we like this session!!

3.30 p.m.

While waiting for the buses arrived to go home, we enjoy a spa fish pond. Very best, even feel ticklish when these fishes bite our feet.

4.30 p.m.

The buses are waiting, now time to go home. Everyone is tired and wants to rest. We returned with a thousand memories that can’t be overlooked…=))